Regina Shoe & Leather Repair Services
Custom leather Work, Zipper Repairs,
Orthopaedics, Sports Equipment, Stitching Services
Have your favourite shoes repaired today
Add years to the life of your favourite shoes.
Don't give up on that pair of comfortable shoes that have been with you through thick and thin, that have carried you through the miles and the memories. Repair materials are almost always superior in quality to the original and last much longer. Don't be a part of the throw away society, join the 'original' recyclers and repair your footwear.
Repairs that maintain the original look and design.
Passion for quality
Whether it's simply a broken seam or a complete rebuild I strive to keep the look and improve the structural integrity of the items I repair everyday. Need a custom made pouch, bag, case or.... anything! Let's create a design and make something that fits your needs.